Provides High-speed and Secure Multiple Small File Transfer Solutions for ELÓGICA
Founded in 1976, Elógica is an IT service provider based in Brazil. Elógica started out developing accounting software, then migrated to Hardware creating the first NO/NE computer, then became an Internet provider. Finally, Elógica works with Application Development for COHAB-Mortgage Managers and Human Resources Management companies.
After 47 years of development, Elógica has become a pioneer company in comprehensive enterprise management solutions. There are two main products: Mortgage management software and HR software. Elógica has many customers in Brazil. Due to the high applicability and legal compliance of its software, Elógica has served various private and state-owned banks, as well as government agencies.
Before talking about Elógica's transfer dilemma, we need to know a fact: the transfer speed of multiple small files will not be faster than a large file of the same size. If you compare and test the transfer speed of one 1024GB file with 1024 files of 1GB, the latter will be much slower than the former. Multiple file transfers can be slowed down because repeated authentication and handshakes need to be established before each file is transferred.
That's where the biggest problem of Elógica comes from. The volume of files to be synchronized is something close to 3TB on a client, including millions of files and folders. Due to the large number of files, it is also difficult to guarantee the correctness and accuracy of the transfer of millions of files.
Also, since Elógica's clients include numerous government agencies, the security features of the file transfer software were also taken into consideration, as they must comply with the new LGPD.
Before choosing Raysync, Elogica used cloud FTP software , but it was quickly abandoned due to slow transfer speeds and data security problems caused by low security.
Raysync is the best alternative for FTP
a. High-speed large file transfer to send 2.5TB of files, millions of files and folders
One of the main challenges that Elógica faced was transferring large files quickly. They had previously tried using other file transfer solutions such as FTP, but the transfer speed was slow, and the files often got corrupted during the transfer process.
Raysync was able to solve this problem by using its proprietary UDP protocol. Unlike FTP, which requires a lot of back-and-forth communication between the sender and receiver, UDP sends packets without checking if they have been received. This means that the transfer speed is much faster, and the chance of the file getting corrupted is much lower.
With Raysync, Elógica was able to transfer 2.5TB files in just a few hours. The transfer speed was much faster than their previous solution, and they didn't experience any file corruption during the transfer process. This allowed the company to save time and ensure that their files were transferred securely.
Moreover, Raysync provides various security measures, including TSL encryption, AES256 encryption, and two-step verification, to safeguard the files during the transfer.
b. Accurate data backup
By offers an efficient and secure way to back up and synchronize large amounts of data, Raysync allowing Elógica to keep their data secure and protected at all times. Raysync provides in-depth control over data sync and backup, allowing Elogica to customize sync settings, such as transfer speed and network bandwidth usage.
With the capability of detecting network errors and data loss, Raysync enhances the backup process by ensuring that data is accurately backed up without any loss or damage. Additionally, Raysync's data backup solution is designed with strong encryption technology, allowing companies to encrypt their data while in transfer.
c. Simplified file sharing process
Raysync provides a file-sharing solution for Elogica that streamlines the process of sharing large files over the internet. It simplifies the process by providing a secure and reliable platform that enables fast file sharing.
With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Raysync makes it easy for Elogica to share files with its teams, clients, and partners. Raysync peer-to-peer transfer offers end-to-end encryption, a range of customizable file sharing settings, and real-time monitoring to ensure files are delivered on time, in full, and without any loss of data.
Raysync provides a secure and high-speed multiple small file transfer solution for Elógica and perfect fits into the day-to-day workflow.
“We use Raysync daily, some processes run hourly. All resources, we use them all and with a lot of quality.” said André Souza, IT coordinator at Elógica.